We have deep understanding of customer’s need and strive to provide customer with comprensive and perfect service on O&M.

Dust removal
Remove dust, bird droppings, rotten leaves, and stubborn substances from the surface of solar panels .Focus on clearing the ash accumulation zone at the bottom of the module to maintain the optimal power generation state of the photovoltaic module.
Electrical and equipment inspection services
The UAV, EL detection, IV detection and thermal imaging technology are used to conduct a comprehensive detection of solar panels, check the hidden cracks, hot spots, cell damage and other faults of modules, and solve them in time, in order to improve the power generation efficiency of solar panels.Patrol inspection and troubleshooting of electrical equipments such as inverters and grid connected cabinets ,to eliminate fault risks and ensure the safe operation of pv solar plants.

Additional Services
With the help of intelligent devices, clearing weeds during the spring and autumn seasons ,it can effectively prevent lush vegetation for Shadow occlusion,and we can Strictly prevent fires caused by withered grass in autumn and winter seasons. With the help of equipment and manpower, the surface snow of the solar panels can be quickly and effectively treated at the beginning of snow, preventing the accumulation of snow from freezing and being unable to clean for a long time, resulting in serious losses in power generation.
O&M Mode